About Us

Frontier Counselling Services

Frontier Counselling believes everyone has the right to reach their full potential and recover from the trauma of their past.

For this reason Frontier Counselling is committed to developing workshops and presentations which both informs and creates a safe environment for self-discovery through an experiential experience.

Our Services

From workshops to presentations and over 25+ years experience in the field.

This workshop is designed to identify what abusive behaviour looks like and where it comes from and what nurturing behaviour looks like.

Programs that incorporates a joined up thinking approach with other programs such as addiction issues, men’s behavioural change programs

The workshop covers both research and experience in presenting financial literacy to gamblers in rehabs, mental health units and specific community groups

Through group dynamics, experience the process of self-discovery which is identified through the unknown aspects of self.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Stages of Change is a workshop about anyone wanting to motivate others in the change process.

10+ years experience with Addiction Conferences, Mental health Forums, Australian College of Applied Psychology Alumni, Lifeline Counsellors and more.


Workshops Completed


Presentations Run


Clients Seen


Cups of coffee!

Areas Covered

Our services cover and are not limited to some of the following popular areas of recovery

Addiction & Trauma

A specific focus on addiction and trauma recovery

Gambling & Financial Stress

A focus on gambling and recovering from financial issues through literacy programs

Grief & Loss

Presentations cover the grief/loss aspect and recovery methods from these situations


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